NTU Biomedical Park Hospital Public Art Project "Essence of Life"

完成年份: 2020

策劃年份: 2019

興辦機關: 臺大醫院新竹生醫分院

設置地點: 臺大醫院新竹生醫分院

專案人員: 陳惠婷、曾久晏、林蓮欣、李方瑜、陳經曜

Brief Description

NTU Biomedical Park Hospital is positioned as a center of excellence and an international window between Taiwanese healthcare and biomedical science developments. In 2019, Shalom Arts Consulting was chosen in open competition to curate the public art installation for the hospital. Using “Essence of Life” as a theme, we invited eight artists to create 19 art installations spread out across the six floors of the hospital and outdoor spaces on the ground floor. These artworks are organized around an axis of physical and mental relief and healing, allowing the hospital staff and patients to enter into a feast for the soul.

Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre

Artwork 1 ”Love in bloom”/ Li-Hsing Chen / Lacquered Stainless Steel/ Sculpture

Artwork 2 “Peace and Peace”/ Shen-Min Jian / Lacquered Stainless Steel / Sculpture

Artwork 3 “Leaves of Grass”/ Wen-Ching Tsai /Granite, Brass Pieces/ Street Furniture

Artwork 4 “Glorious Flight”/ Yu-Chih Huang /Copper Wire/ Sculpture

Artwork 5 “Spring Dawn”/ Yu-Chih Huang / Copper Wire / Sculpture

Artwork 6 “Bright Summer”/ Yu-Chih Huang / Copper Wire / Sculpture

Artwork 7“Autumn Mist”/ Yu-Chih Huang / Copper Wire / Sculpture

Artwork 8 “Winter Chill”/ Yu-Chih Huang / Copper Wire / Sculpture

Artwork 9 “Butterfly”/ David Gerstein /Painted Aluminum/ Sculpture

Artwork 10“The Twenty-Four Solar Terms”/ Cindy Ng Sio Leng / Video Art

Artwork 11“Early Spring”/ Cindy Sio-Leng Ng / Giclée Printing, Glass

Artwork 12“Mid-Summer”/ Cindy Sio-Leng Ng / Giclée Printing, Glass

Artwork 13“Autumnal Equinox”/ Cindy Sio-Leng Ng /Giclée Printing, Glass

Artwork 14 “Spring / Sprout”/ Shih-Yen Tseng /Synthetic leather, Solid Wood/ Furniture

Artwork 15 “Summer / Bloom”/ Shih-Yen Tseng / Synthetic leather, Solid Wood / Furniture

Artwork 16 “Autumn / Harvest”/ Shih-Yen Tseng / Synthetic leather, Solid Wood / Furniture

Artwork 17 “Spring / Bloom”/ Hui-Fen Deng / Porcelain Plate, Wooden Frame

Artwork 18 “Summer / Law”/ Hui-Fen Deng / Porcelain Plate, Wooden Frame

Artwork 19 “Autumn / Song” / Hui-Fen Deng / Porcelain Plate, Wooden Frame


Public Participation


徵件公告初選_工作區域 1
【親山家族】臺北市信義區六張犁x三興段社會住宅 公共藝術創意徵件初選結果公告
【親山家族】臺北市信義區六張犁x三興段社會住宅 公共藝術創意徵件
聯合新聞網、聯合報、500輯【畫龍點睛的公共藝術/ 撰稿人:李清志】
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