About Shalom Arts

Shalom, a term for blessing in the Hebrew language.

Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc.’s long-term vision is to curate art in public spaces that moves and inspires people while also simultaneously creating a friendly and interactive environment. In regards to professional environment analysis, the progressive steps of our company‘s efforts has always involved providing artistically rich critical thinking through the bouncing back and forth of ideas with one another as well as working collaboratively to develop the best public art curations.

Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. often engages in Public Art Ordinance and Post-Completion Evaluation, Public Art Curation Specialization, Initial Comprehensive Planning, Public Art Education and Public Participation; Culture and Art Promotion and Marketing, International Art Exchange, Architecture and Public Art Lectures, Professional Art Tours, etc. in providing art curation services for construction companies and other private sectors.

Virginia Huiting Chen, founder of Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc., returned to Taiwan in 1992, assisting the Council for Cultural Affairs (now the Ministry of Culture) in drafting the Implementation of Public Art Regulations.

Chen studied sculpting at the National Taiwan University of the Arts, fine arts at Tunghai University, architecture at the Chinese Culture University, and she also studied architecture overall for fifteen years. Chen served on the Public Art Review Committee in the Council for Cultural Affairs, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications R.O.C., the Ministry of Education, the city of Kaohsiung, the city of Hsinchu, the city of Keelung, etc. She was the executive director of the Foundation for Research on Open Space, Taipei for twelve years, and founded the Public Art Newsletter magazine to deepen the understanding of public art for people from all walks of life and to promote communication between government agencies and artists.

Chen has also written several books, which include The Public Art Operational Manual, The Soul Clinic: Hospital Public Art, A Decade of Public Art in Taiwan, An Overview of Public Art in Taiwan and China, Public Arts in Taiwan, The City of the People, and many others.

Virginia Hui-Ting Chen



美國科羅拉多州立大學丹佛分校 都市設計碩士
淡江大學建築研究所 建築碩士


2001-Now Curator & Chairperson of Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc.

2023-2024 臺南市公共藝術審議會委員
2016-2020 Panel of the Public Art Review Committee of the Ministry of Culture
2015-2020 Panel of Tainan Public Art Review Committee
1996-2004 Founder & Advisor of PUBLIC ART NEWSLETTER
2006-2008 國家文化藝術基金會 視覺藝術 總監
2004-2005 國立台灣藝術大學雕塑系 講師
2004-2005 東海大學美術系 講師
2004-2018 公共藝術簡訊 顧問
1996-2004 公共藝術簡訊 創刊人及總編輯
1992-2009 中國文化大學市政暨環境規劃學系 兼任講師
1992-2004 財團法人台北市開放空間文教基金會 執行長
1988-2004 開創工程顧問股份有限公司 主任都市設計師


2018 臺灣大學全校性公共藝術計畫 獲文化部頒公共藝術教育推廣獎
2016 新竹縣體育館公共藝術案 獲得文化部頒公共藝術最佳藝術創作獎
2014 Outstanding Alumni Award, Tamkang University (Taiwan)
2001 Fulbright Grantee, National Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan)
1999 National Culture and Arts Foundation- Art Administration Subsidy (Taiwan)

Books Published

2009《公共藝術操作手冊》文建會出版 2005《心靈門診—醫院公共藝術》典藏家出版社 2004《臺灣公共藝術十年之路》文建會 2004《遊走兩岸公共藝術》合著,文建會 1997《公共藝術在臺灣》藝術家出版社 1996《市民的城市》合著,創興出版社

Curation Experience

設置中 桃園會展中心中公共藝術設置計畫
設置中 台中市水湳中央公園公共藝術設置計畫
設置中 台北市文山區社會福利用地新建工程公共藝術設置計畫
2022 桃園市交通局桃園區廈門街停車場公共藝術設置計畫
2021 Shalun Smart Green Energy Science City Public Art Project “Green Movement - Trace of Energy”
2020 Curator of Essence of Life, NTU Biomedical Park Hospital Public Art Project
2020 Curator of Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 2 Public Art Project “Traveling with Wind Stretched・ Floating Travel”
2019 Curator of The 6th Army Command Base, Longshan Military Camp Public Art Installation Project, Ministry of National Defense R.O.C “Wheel of National Defense, Military Memories”
2019 Curator of The Public Art Project of the Tainan Art Museum
2018 Curator of Taichung World Flora Exposition Public Art Project for Case C – Fengyuan Huludun Park Area “A Beauty Pageant of Butterflies and Blossoms”
2018 Curator of Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan
2016 Curator of Public Art Installation Project in the Zhongli Service Area of Freeway No.1
2016 Curator of Wei-Wu-Ying Center for the Arts Public Art Project: We-Wu-Ying Art Street “The Flowing Layers”
2015 Curator of New Taipei City Hospital, Sanchong Branch, ER Building Public Art Project
2015 Curator of The National Changhua District Court New Construction Public Art Creative Project
2014 Curator of National Taiwan University Public Art Project (Phase Ⅰ) - Taiwan University ISO REMIX
2014 Curator of Army 601st Aviation Brigade Longtan Area Eagle Public Art Project, Curator
2013 Curator of Ministry of Health and Welfare Public Art Project  “Gateway to Health • Window to the Soul”
2013 Curator of Hsinchu County Stadium Public Art Installation Project
2013 苗栗縣苗北藝文中心公共藝術設置計畫 策劃人
2012 彰化縣蘭大衛公共藝術設置計畫 策劃人
2011 100年桃園縣文化與教育結合推動方案 計畫主持人
2009 國防部博愛分案委託專業服務辦理公共藝術設置 策劃人

Shalom, a term for blessing in the Hebrew language.
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