
Public Art Represents the Artistic Taste of a City

公共藝術是在公共空間中能為大眾所親近的藝術創作,它是城市的文化指標之一,彰顯出一個國家與城市的藝術品味與氛圍。設置公共藝術的目的是為了使都市空間內涵更豐富,增加美感,以提升民眾的品味。所以它必須與城市環境結合,以達到全民分享的目的。 我國於1992年立法通過「文化藝術獎助條例」、1998年完成「公共藝術設置辦法」,規定政府重大公共工程,應設置藝術品美化環境,公有建築物建築工程費的百分之一必需用於設置公共藝術,臺灣的公共空間從此有了將藝術機制化的法令條款。推動至今,累積了近千件公共藝術,不論是藝術家、社區民眾或是工程單位,對公共藝術已不再感到陌生、遙遠。

Public Art Is a Professional Field

Public art is a field of professional operation. The definition of public art is determined by its production process and the process of integrating public space. Therefore, the Regulations Governing the Installation of Public Artwork is carried out through the administrative procedures of the professional system, allowing the implementing agency to select the artworks suitable for the public space with the assistance of the professional art committee. Artists and administrators involved in public art are required to have not only basic knowledge of the history of art and aesthetics, but also knowledge of landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning, and engineering.

In addition, the key element of public art is publicity, which includes three fundamentality - publicity of the base, publicity of the issues, and publicity of interaction. During the implementation of public art, emphasis should be put on the connection between art and communities. Public participation is vital for demonstrating the publicity of public art. It can build consensus internally and present the spirit of residents externally. Public participation plays an important role in public art installation plans.

Chen Hui-ting, the director of Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc., devoted herself to the legislation of Regulations Governing the Installation of Public Artwork. From instruction, implementation, planning and cooperation with international artist. To installation, public participation and education. She absorbed numerous great experience. And here followed five main missions of Shalom Arts.
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