Jiebao Estate Development Corporation, New Century Public Art Project
完成年份: 2010
策劃年份: 2008
興辦機關: 捷寶建設股份有限公司
設置地點: 新竹捷寶新世紀

Brief Description
The Jiebao Real Estate Company invited Shalom Arts team to plan this public art project for the “Jiebao New Century” community near the Hsinchu High Speed Railway. Shalom Arts team installed three carved stone seats on a setback strip of open space by the road. These three sets of artworks entitled Visualization for Impression Shells, which are were created by artist Jian Shen-Min. It is made up of bright-colored marble so they are quite noticeable under the exterior of the dark-colored building. In addition, it also provides residents and pedestrians a place to rest whilst bringing an elegant aesthetic to the public space. We installed another upstanding artwork entitled Visualization for Circular Connection I at two corner of the site. It strengthens the street corner’s sense of spatial identity.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre