National Hsinchu Living Arts Center, Arts Integration Camp in 2010
完成年份: 2010
策劃年份: 2010
主辦單位: 國立新竹生活美學館
辦理地點: 竹苗地區、台北、宜蘭

Brief Description
Aesthetics includes different aspects such as Clothing, Food, Accommodation, Transportation, and Entertainment. Where we live in the architectural space of the city is probably effect our visual experience the most. Shalom Arts team planned and executed the Arts Integration Camp in 2010 in the area of Hsinchu, Taoyuan, Taipei and Yilan. Through the public events, people visited the sublime new architecture and the public art space which is renovated by the community in order to foster their aesthetic comprehension.
Execution Process
日期 | 場次 | Themes |
10/09 (五) 10/16(五) | Seminar | 博物館建築之美:交大建築所所長 張基義 公共藝術之美:輔大客座教授 楊子葆 街道之美:境群國際規劃設計公司 共同主持人 彭文惠 校園之美:國內知名建築師 龔書章 |
| Arts Integration Camp | 新竹東城門、願景館、新竹縣立文化中心、元智大學圖書館、廣達研發中心等。 |
| Arts Integration Camp | 宜蘭縣政府、縣史館、礁溪戶政事務所、蘭陽女中等。 |
| Arts Integration Camp | 十三行博物館、鶯歌陶瓷博物館、聖心女中、北藝大校園等。 |
| Arts Integration Camp | 台北101、統一國際大樓、捷運公共藝術、南港軟體園區等。 |