Kaohsiung City Metro in Southern Line Public Art Installation Project
完成年份: 2009
策劃年份: 2008
興辦機關: 高雄捷運公司
合作單位: 達達美術研究開發有限公司
設置地點: R3小港站、R4A草衙站、R5前鎮高中站、R6凱旋站、R7獅甲站、R8三多商圈站、R9中央公園站、R11高雄車站、R12後驛站

Brief Description
Kaohsiung City Metro Public Art is divided into red line (south-north) and orange line (east-west). There are 30 artists who create public art for the metro station. This public art project in the southern red line (R3 Siaogang-R12 Houyi Station), is co-curated with Dada Art Company and Shalom Arts team. They plan this project with 9 artists, including Hung Lung-Mu, Wang Kao-Yi, Lee Yi-Hsun, Yuma Taru, Hung Yi, Lai Jun T., Hsaio Chin, Chen Ming-Huei, and Tong Yang Tze. Through the artist’s unique vision, culture and artistic interpretation, they tell the local story in Kaohsiung, creating a whole new image of Kaohsiung Metro Station.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre