Taichung City Government New Building Public Art Project

完成年份: 2014

策劃年份: 2012

興辦機關: 臺中市政府

合作單位: 京石文化設計有限公司

設置地點: 臺中四季公園

Brief Description

Kingstone Cultural Design invites the director of Shalom Arts Chen Hui-Ting to curate the Taichung City Government New Building Public Art Project, proposing the “Dancing River” Public Art Project. We hope to express the four aspects of developing fields in Taichung city: technological river, economic river, cultural river, historical river, while it symbolizes the most important four rivers in urban area: Green, Yanagawa, MeiChuan, and Mayuantou River. Geographically speaking, the site reflects the elements of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, demonstrating the unique and diverse Taichung city urban features.

Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre

《河域》/胡棟民/不銹鋼、白色烤漆/雕塑 《雲河戀》/陳麗杏/黃銅鑄造、白色烤漆/雕塑 《光臨 ‧ 臺中》/林建榮/不鏽鋼管、PE燈罩/雕塑 《方圓之間》/鄧惠芬/陶、瓷土、釉藥/雕塑 《城市解碼》/連紫伊/花崗岩、環氧樹酯/鋪面