Taichung World Flora Exposition Public Art Project for Case C – Fengyuan Huludun Park Area “A Beauty Pageant of Butterflies and Blossoms”
完成年份: 2018
策劃年份: 2017
興辦機關: 臺中市政府文化局
設置地點: 豐原葫蘆墩園區

Brief Description
With Taichung’s natural environment and surrounding local culture, Shalom Arts team curates the public art project “A Beauty Pageant of Butterflies and Blossoms”, inviting two artists Li-Hsing Chen and Tang-Wei Hsu to create two artworks. One is located at the east; Aanother is located at the west side of the park.
Li-Hsing Chen’s artwork entitled A Beauty Pageant of Butterflies and Blossoms depicts the simplicity and sublimity, while Tang-Wei Hsu’s artwork entitled Fengyuan Pastry Sculptures is also filled with vigor and vibrancy. These two artworks were both inspired by the nature, and they complement each other perfectly.
Li-Hsing Chen’s artwork entitled A Beauty Pageant of Butterflies and Blossoms depicts the simplicity and sublimity, while Tang-Wei Hsu’s artwork entitled Fengyuan Pastry Sculptures is also filled with vigor and vibrancy. These two artworks were both inspired by the nature, and they complement each other perfectly.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre
Artwork 1: Butterfly and Blossom Beauty Pageant/ Chen Li-Hsing/Coated stainless steel/Sculpture
Artwork2: Fengyuan Pastry Sculptures/ Hsu Tang-Wei/Coated stainless steel/Sculpture