Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. New Construction Public Art Installation Commission Project
完成年份: 2008
策劃年份: 2006
興辦機構: 內政部營建署
委託單位: 力拓營造股份有限公司
執行目標: 公共藝術改造社區研討會、公共藝術官兵參與研討會

Brief Description
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center is one of the most important nexus of developing international marketing. Its characteristics of architecture tends towards the international, technological, and modern direction, implementing the modern technology and interactive displaying equipment to display the digital exhibition theme. Shalom Arts team holds expertise in project management, launching this public art project with open competition, and installed outdoor landmark artwork in the center.
Selection Method/Organization/Artist/Artwork Title (Process Pictures)
Open Competition/ DADA ART R&D Co.Ltd. / Lin Shuen Long, Chu-Yin Chen/ The State of Union between Heaven and Humans, The Rhythm of Nature-the Song of Four Seasons, The Beat of Civilization, The Crystal Spirit
Execution Process
Open Call, Select artworks, and Public Events