Taoyuan Aerotropolis Vision Hall Outdoor Public Art Installation Project
完成年份: 2014
策劃年份: 2014
興辦機關: 社團法人中華民國全國中小企業總會
設置地點: 桃園航空城願景館
Brief Description
This project is commissioned by the National Association of Small & Medium Enterprises. Shalom Arts team invited artist Chen, I-Chang to install a flight attendant public artwork entitled We are the World at the entrance of the Taoyuan Aerotropolis Vision Hall. These two cute action figures provide people a place to take photographs and check in Facebook. It can also increase the media advertisement effect, attracting more people to the Vision Hall.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre
Artwork: We are the World/ Chen, I-Chang/FRP/Sculpture