
完成年份: 2024

策劃年份: 2022

興辦機關: 桃園市政府新建工程處

指導單位: 經濟部國際貿易署

設置地點: 桃園會展中心

專案人員: 陳惠婷、莊雯惠、曾耘唯、林蓮欣、陳經曜

Brief Description

Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc.’s long-term vision is to curate art in public spaces that moves and inspires people while also simultaneously creating a friendly and interactive environment. In regards to professional environment analysis, the progressive steps of our company‘s efforts has always involved providing artistically rich critical thinking through the bouncing back and forth of ideas with one another as well as working collaboratively to develop the best public art curations.

Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. often engages in Public Art Ordinance and Post-Completion Evaluation, Public Art Curation Specialization, Initial Comprehensive Planning, Public Art Education and Public Participation; Culture and Art Promotion and Marketing, International Art Exchange, Architecture and Public Art Lectures, Professional Art Tours, etc. in providing art curation services for construction companies and other private sectors.

Virginia Huiting Chen, founder of Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc., returned to Taiwan in 1992, assisting the Council for Cultural Affairs (now the Ministry of Culture) in drafting the Implementation of Public Art Regulations.

Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre

作品Ⅰ《風潮》/ 菲爾·普瑞斯 Phil Price/ 不鏽鋼、碳纖維、玻璃纖維

作品Ⅱ《桃源飛揚》/ 璞林藝術 (姜憲明 & 陳麗杏)/ 不鏽鋼、大理石、GRC馬賽克

作品Ⅲ《匯聚流》/ 丁建中/ LED螢幕、不鏽鋼、電子材料、程式控制


Public Participation


聯合新聞網、聯合報、500輯【畫龍點睛的公共藝術/ 撰稿人:李清志】
非池中 【都市意象的轉化與建構:聚焦桃園會展中心公共藝術設置計畫】