The Public Art and the Environmental Engineering Construction Improving Polluted Water Project at Jhong-Gang River Boulevard
完成年份: 2009
策劃年份: 2011
興辦機關: 新北市政府水利局
委託單位: 新北市政府水利局

Brief Description
This engineering construction project was promoted by the Water Resources Department, New Taipei City Government in 2009 and it relocated its area from the old district to the central district. As a professional project management team, Shalom Arts Consulting Inc. plans this project with the theme “Reviving the ecology, and dance with the water”, launching the invitational competition for commission of the public art at Jhong-Gang River. Our goals of this project are: 1. Bring surprises and touch one’s heart 2. Recognize the importance of ecology 3. Promote the interaction in the society 4. Elevate the culture in Xinzhuang District. Ultimately, the team which is led by Chan Yuan Chien and her company Taiwan Shui Art Group Inc. win the competition. There are eight sets of artworks, both use water as the title with the main focus on the artwork entitled Translucence. The crystal-clear water is the impetus of the artworks entitled The Guardian, Window to Xinzhuang, Performance, Supernatural Lifeforce, Arc of Seeds, and The Rain Project. It constructs the whole theme of the project-- “Flow”.
Selection Method/Organization/Artist/Artwork Title (Process Pictures)
Invitation for competition/ Chan Yuan Chien and Taiwan Shui Art Group Inc. / Tahara Keiichi, Jun-Yang Lee, Craig Walsh, Rahic‧Talif, Alice Wang/Translucence, The Guardian, Window to Xinzhuang, Performance, Supernatural Lifeforce, Arc of Seeds, The Rain Project
Execution Process
I love Xinzhuang, Xinzhuang love me “seminar, public art seminar, and public artwork kid’s show