完成年份: 2022
承攬年份: 2018
委託單位: 竹北新世紀購物中心股份有限公司
興辦機關: 新竹縣政府產業發展處
設置地點: 遠東百貨竹北店

Brief Description
Zhubei New Century Shopping Center is The Zhubei Parking Lot BOT Project which is signed by The Far Eastern Group and the Hsinchu County Government. It aims at bringing multi-functioned shopping mall, and meets the need for parking. The staircased design of architecture façade generates the image of Hakka town in the mountain, creating a dynamic urban space.
Shalom Arts team plans this project aligned with the design concept of integrating the local Hakka culture, and invites artists to create artworks which embody the Hakka culture and history through open competition, commission, and invitation for competition.
Selection Method/Organization/Artist/Artwork Title (Process Pictures)
A:邀請比件/株式會社Town Art/大卷伸嗣/《迴響 Echoes-Flowers Myth》
B:委託創作/宇埕室內裝修設計有限公司/大衛∙葛斯坦(David Gerstein)/《風潮新世紀》
C:公開徵選/大瑪爾藝術設計有限公司/陳宏誠/《風采桐漾 富竹滿溢》
Execution Process
Interview with the local leaders, Conduct site visit, and Select artworks. Create questionnaire, public art lectures, and workshops, guided tour. Create public art website.