Zhucheng Real Estate Dahe Community Public Art Installation Project in Taoyuan City
完成年份: 2010
策劃年份: 2010
興辦機關: 竹城建設股份有限公司
設置地點: 桃園市竹城建設大和社區

Brief Description
The Zhucheng Real Estate Development Company invited Shalom Arts team to curate public artworks. The Zhucheng Real Estate hoped that there is a public artwork which can complement Japanese garden in their building. Shalom Arts team planned this project and invited the artist Jian Shen-Min to create an artwork entitled Two Wings at the greensward, displaying two white jade-like, attracting sculptures. In addition, we installed another sculpture entitled Circular Connection in the lobby. With its undulating shape, this artwork perfectly present the luxury of the community.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre