Zhucheng Real Estate Development Company Corporate Headquarters Public Art Project
完成年份: 2010
策劃年份: 2010
興辦機關: 竹城建設股份有限公司
設置地點: 台北內湖區竹城建設企業總部

Brief Description
The Zhucheng Real Estate Development Company invited Shalom Arts tea to plan this public art project for its headquarters. The Zhucheng Real Estate uses the image of bamboo to represent the moral and noble quality of their company. The company’s headquarters moved from Taoyuan to Taipei’s Neihu District. Shalom Arts team curated and invited the artist Li-Hsing Chen to install the artwork entitled Zhucheng Dream at the lobby of the headquarters. The circular-shaped stainless steel sculpture gives the viewer a bright and amiable feeling. This realistic artwork welcomes visitors and it is deeply loved by the business owners.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre
Artwork 1: Zhucheng Dreams/ Chen Li-Hsing/ Stainless Steel/Sculpture