Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 2 Public Art Project “Traveling with Wind Stretched • Floating Travel”
完成年份: 2024
策劃年份: 2022
興辦機關: 桃園市政府新建工程處
指導單位: 經濟部國際貿易署
設置地點: 桃園會展中心
專案人員: 陳惠婷、莊雯惠、曾耘唯、林蓮欣、陳經曜

Brief Description
坐上 皮箱的兄弟姊妹滑行進入
雲端 展翼遊走四面八方
雲 無心穿過高山
風 有意躍上海洋
留下 甜甜蜜蜜的夢痕
千里路行走 勝讀萬卷書
日夜 四海五湖同舟行
用神思去擦亮燦爛 夜空
離家總是為了愉快 返鄉
重溫 鄉音魅力的餘韻
(Poet∣Kang Yuan)
基於人們對旅行的喜愛,喜恩團隊以《展翼四海 漂浮旅行》作為策畫主題,在桃園國際機場第二航廈擴建工程之公共藝術設置兩組以旅行箱為意象的公共藝術作品,隨著人們旅行的悸動馳騁飛揚。
On the upper floor of the landscape platform on the south side of the fifth floor, the work "Spreading Wings and Traveling to the World" by artist Yu Dengquan, welcomes tourists with realistic and vivid groups of children; The lower floor of the viewing platform is equipped with the work "Floating Travel" by artist Xu Tangwei. A group of twelve abstract sculptures are painted with the points and lines of the twelve constellations, symbolizing the travel routes between cities on the map.
Both sets of works use travel luggage as a metaphor for the full expectations in the heart, and the two sets of works are cleverly contrasted with each other. Together with each other, passengers can feel the thrill of travel more closely, taking off and landing on the plane, and embarking on the first big step of traveling around the world.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre
Artwork 1: Traveling with Wings Stretched/ Yu Den-Chuan/Bronze/Stainless Steel/Sculpture
Artwork 2: Loat Travelling/ Hsu Tang-Wei/Stainless Steel Plate, Forged, Structure, Automotive Paint, Chemical Anchor/Sculpture