Changhua County District Court New Construction Building Public Art Installation Project
完成年份: 2015
策劃年份: 2014
興辦機關: 臺灣彰化地方法院
合作單位: 紅毛港文化創意有限公司
設置地點: 彰化地方法院、北斗簡易庭及檔證大樓

Brief Description
The Hong Mao Gang Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd invited Shalom Arts’ director Chen Hui-Ting to plan this project. We use “Purification of Law and Justice “as curatorial concept, demonstrating the importance of the rule of law in daily life through these four unique artworks. When people enter the district court, they can feel the judiciary’s esteemed position and the expectation of justice from the society through these visual art immediately. The democratic system can only be held through the execution of law. Thus, it is necessary to achieve a just, fair, and harmonious social system through law so that people can enjoy the maximum freedom and benefits in an orderly manner.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre