The Public Art Installation Project at Ching-Chuan-Kang Air Force Base, Ministry of National Defense R.O.C Air Force Air Defense and Missile Command in Taichung
完成年份: 2018
策劃年份: 2017
興辦機關: 國防部參謀本部防空飛彈指揮部
合作單位: 璞林國際藝術有限公司
設置地點: 清泉崗基地飛彈陣地

Brief Description
Pulin Art International Co., Ltd. invited Shalom Arts’s director Chen Hui-Ting to plan this Ching-Chuan-Kang Air Force Base Public Art Installation Project. Chen Li-Hsing and Jian Shen-Ming installed an artwork entitled The Shield of National Defense at the entrance of the administration building as a spirit symbol of the air force. They also installed another artwork entitled Cohesion in the open space. Both of them represent the spirit and the unity of the national air defense force, and the cohesion of the troops.
Artwork Name/Artist/Medium/Genre
Artwork 1: The Shield of National Defense/Chen Li-Hsing and Jian Shen-Ming/Stainless Steel with coating/Sculpture
Artwork 2: Cohesion/Chen Li-Hsing and Jian Shen-Ming/White marble, black granite/Sculpture